So today i trained legs and did not cycle 

Front squats
40kg (88lbs) - 10
70kg (154lbs) - 12, 11, 10
90kg (198lbs) - 3

Sumo deadlifts
100kg (220lbs) - 12, 12, 12

Leg press
150kg (330lbs) - 12, 12, 12

Seated calve raisies
40kg (l88bs) - 4x20

Leg extensions
20kg (44lbs) each leg - 10, 12, 12, 11

Laying leg curls
Setting 10 - 13, 13, 11

Calve raisies
Setting 10 - 20
Setting 12 - 20, 30

Spilt squats
16kg (35lbs) - 12, 

So i didn't cycle and i felt great working out, i had my dad there, i had energy and a good workout where i come out the guy with a smile but feeling the burn. It was nice

Today was my 2nd refeed day. I enjoyed it as i cooked the family (10 of us) a meal where i eat with them, eating most of my calories in one sitting which i am not used to (i had starter and a roast (gammon, veg, a few potatoes)) but didn't feel great after felt like i had eaten way too much etc

Last refeed day tomorrow and then Tuesday is going to be a hard day getting used to lower calories etc

As i didn't feel great i didn't want to do HIIT, did want to do it before dinner

Anyway we went to a field to kick a football about with my brother and sister

Then i felt better so did HIIT with them

My brother kicked my arse on the 1st and 2nd then my stamina helped me
My sister did very well being only young

But it was really fun to have someone there who was faster and made me work.

Tomorrow shoulders, arms and a blown up arm :P

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